La spécialité AMC vous informe

Focus sur l’actualité

L’actualité est au cœur de la spécialité Anglais Monde Contemporain. Les élèves ont abordé l’année scolaire par un travail sur l’actualité de l’été dans les pays anglophones, et ont comme « rituel de classe » de présenter l’actualité à l’oral tout au long de l’année. Cela s’intègre dans leur axe du programme « Getting citizens informed »

Les trois groupes de spécialité ont remis un projet : créer une « newsletter » sur les événements de l’année 2020. Certains ont adopté une présentation contemporaine, d’autres ont eu comme tâche de créer « an old-fashioned newsletter ».

Animations US Elections

The USA flag

Les élèves de Spé AMC ont décidé d’animer le lycée pour la semaine des élections américaines (3 novembre 2020): décorations dans le hall, affiches, jeux, quiz, journal des lycéens…etc.

Tenez-vous prêts pour participer à des kahoots créés par les élèves !
Ce projet fait suite à leur séquence sur les élections américaines: le système électoral, les candidats, le programme, le débat présidentiel et s’intègre à l’axe du programme « Getting citizens’ voices heard ».
Dès la rentrée chez votre distributeur favori  : un numéro Hors Série « spécial élections » !

Breaking news : Covid-19 from England

Notre assistante britannique, Kate S., est repartie dans sa famille lundi 16 mars, mais elle reste en contact avec le lycée Descartes! Elle est désormais notre « correspondante CORONAVIRUS » en Angleterre, notre envoyée spéciale particulière. En tant que tel, elle va nous faire vivre la situation actuelle d’un autre point de vue.

Have a good read at home and take care of yourselves and yours !

Didon et Énée Rock !

Dans le cadre d’un projet pour l’ensemble des 3 classes de première STMG visant à dynamiser l’enseignement et à proposer une ouverture culturelle aux élèves, nos élèves ont assisté à une représentation de « Didon et Énée » à la Batterie à Guyancourt, vendredi 28 février 2020.
Le spectacle était offert par le lycée.

Petite revue critique rédigée en anglais par deux élèves :

​​Dido and AEneas Rock ***
A new generation baroque opera mixes the classic of the 1689 show and rock with a musician playing the guitar. This new generation classic was originally made by Henry Purcell. It contains three acts and the show tries to implant humour to change from the original drama. On stage, there were four women, three of them singing and the last one was the narrator.
It took place in a modern concert hall and the producer dressed the women with colorful dresses to show the modernity. Dido and AEneas was original because there was an electric guitar, a modern instrument. The script was changed because the English language was not the same in 1689.
My personal opinion of that opera is really divided because I really enjoyed when the women were singing, but I find the production cheap enough.

Valentin & Mattis

Merry Green Christmas

Certains élèves des secondes 1,2,5,6, 8 ont travaillé sur la protection de la planète dans leurs cours d’anglais.

À l’occasion de noël, ils ont été amenés à débattre sur la nécessité d’un noël vert et notamment de la forme que pouvait prendre le sapin : coupé, avec motte, artificiel, créatif comme des mobiles….

Leur réflexion s’est terminée en créant des quiz, des jeux de société et des cadeaux verts pour leur camarades.

Vivent le recyclage, la récup et autres créations !

Bravo à tous nos élèves d’avoir joué le jeu et nous espérons qu’ils continueront à protéger la planète.

La grande lessive – 28 mars 2019

Mais qu’est-ce donc que cette grande lessive ? Vous trouverez toutes les informations voulues ici.

Au lycée Descartes aussi, les élèves ont participé à cette « grande lessive » !

Les photos ont été prises par les participants au voyage scolaire en Irlande (mars 2019) : les 52 élèves en 1e section européenne, les 4 professeurs et le chauffeur du car.

Les critiques de l’exposition ont été écrites en anglais par des élèves de la 2e1.


I saw an exhibition in the lycée Descartes. There are many pictures hung on 2 strings. They are about the trip in Ireland of the European Section students in year 11. They were accompanied by teachers and stayed there a week. It was Saint Patrick’s Day, an important event in Ireland. They took many pictures which were exhibited in the school lobby. Some are funny. There are monuments, restaurants, landscapes, or groups taken in pictures.
Laura T.

I saw the pictures in the hall of the school. We can see different places and faces. Some pictures are funny and others are beautiful. I like the fact that it’s exhibited in the hall. Everyone can see the exhibition without moving to other rooms or other buildings. We saw it was a very good trip.
Evan M

I saw a good exhibition in Descartes High School. We can see many pictures of Ireland. These pictures represent the trip of the students. The pictures are varied as we can see the city, the streets, and the students. During this trip, it was Saint Patrick’s Day, consequently everybody was dressed with green so it’s very funny. People are smiling and look happy. Looking at this exhibition, we also want to go to Ireland.

Ireland seems to be great! In every picture, we can see green and obviously many people that are smiling! The Irish community looks amazing and funny! I think my favorite picture is the orange, green and white wig. It is simple and defines Ireland: fun, cool, simple…

This exhibition was so good! It’s very interesting because in the pictures we can see an Irish adventure and when I see these pictures, I feel the emotions of the photographers. So I really like this exhibition and it makes me discover another country without leaving France. Thank you!!

For me, this exhibition on Ireland was great and I really liked it. Indeed, it permitted students who hadn’t gone to Ireland to learn more about the others who went there. Moreover, I think that was very interesting to make an exhibition in our 6th Form college hall because all the students could see it before going to class. Furthermore in the different photographs, we can see students who are smiling, we can also see beautiful landscapes, so we feel the happiness which the students felt during the trip.

I enjoyed the exhibition because it was organized in a way which wasn’t like in other exhibitions. I liked how it was tied with clothes pins. Besides, the pictures with the landscapes were really beautiful.
Laura S.

Coordinatrices : Catherine Dufays & Christelle Hamard

L’expérience du théâtre en anglais

Retrouvez les articles ou interviews  rédigés par la classe de section européenne juste après le show ! All in English of course !

 #1 : because I’m a Londoner 

On Friday 25th January, we attended a show during nearly 1 hour about London, and more especially about Covent Garden. It has been written and performed by Jane Rony. Her character was a costermonger called Pearl. This name is to pay tribute to her great-great-great grandfather who has been elected Pearly King.

During the show, Pearl was wonderful because she danced doing tap-dancing, it was very impressive ! She also interacted with the audience and it was interesting. Moreover, we learnt many things about the culture in London with the costermongers, a cockney Rhyming Slang and Covent Garden.
If you want to have more information, you can see on the site :


On the 25th January, the actress Jane Rony came to the Lycée Descartes to perform the premiere of a one woman show in front of 222 students. The show’s name is Because I’m a Londoner… and it tells the story of Pearl, a young costermonger, who sells souvenirs in Covent Garden.

The class of 2nd5 shared some of their thoughts about it. Most found the show interesting, entertaining and great. It taught them many things about London, about the hidden culture of the pearly king and queens. The actress talked in Cockney rhyming slang with a particular accent, which added a charm but also made it difficult to understand. Moreover, according to the students, she talked too quickly. However, to help them understand, she explained her words with gestures and expressions.

She also interacted a lot with the audience. Marie Vilbois, from the 2nd5, prepared a little dialogue with the actress and went on stage. She thinks it was an enriching experience, because she never acted in front of such a public or in English before.

To conclude, it was a successful first time for this show !


Les élèves de première et terminales aux ateliers théâtraux (photo de gauche)qui ont suivi la deuxième représentation. (photo de droite)


During the play, we had the chance to discover a little bit more about the job of being an actor. In fact, we believe that the most important quality on stage is the capacity of the actor to put himself /herself in a character and stick to it. He or she has to be loud enough and articulate every word to be understood by all. Usually a big trait of an actor is that they are extrovert and not shy in public. For an actor to be recognized among many he/she has to be at least a little original. For example during this play at some point, she was tap dancing and also singing.  She made her own jacket with pearls (like her name) and she was exchanging with the audience. She had a presence and that’s what makes the difference between good acting and great acting.

 #4 : I’m a Londoner 

Journalist : Welcome to the set Pearl! How are you?

Pearl : I’m great thank you! How about you?

Journalist : Fine thanks! So today you’re here to speak about your great-great-great grandfather right? I heard that he was someone absolutely wonderful! Tell us more about him.

Pearl : First thank you, that’s really nice from you, I’m sure he would have appreciated it. I’m super proud to be a member of his family. Of course I’m super proud of my job and also to be a Cockney. His name was George Stack and he is the one who is inspiring me every day.

Journalist : That’s so cute!

Pearl : During his whole life, he fought for the rights of  the poor, always against the police. He helped people finding their ways. He was brave, such an example.

Journalist :  He deserves a lot of respect. And what was his job?

Pearl : He was a costermonger and sold some fresh fruit and vegetables, from a basket or a wooden cart in the streets of London. But one thing we should of course remember is that he was elected Pearly King.

Journalist : Oh well that’s great! Can you explain us more about this title?

Pearl : He found some buttons on the floor in the streets of the city and he sewed them on his jacket. He had a stick and a hat with buttons on it.

Journalist : And I heard about Cockney Rhyming Slang. Could you tell us what is that?

Pearl : Yeah of course. It consists of a secret language, for communicating between Cockneys.

Journalist : What did he like?

Pearl : He liked the song “I am a Londoner” and he did tap dancing.

Journalist : Thanks for all your answers. It was really interesting.